Prohairesis: My North Star for 2024

2 min readFeb 5, 2024
Created by Meitzi C

Since the beginning of 2024, I’ve been searching for a word for the year in terms of personal goals and growth. A month and four days later, ‘Prohairesis’ popped up right in front of me, fitting well with areas I’ve been trying to improve.

Prohairesis is a Greek term that can be translated as ‘choice.’ It was adopted in Stoic philosophy, denoting the faculty of choice or the ability to make rational, reasoned decisions. With this awareness, I know it can significantly contribute to my goal of maintaining mental wellness and continuing to incorporate self-love as a lifestyle.

One scenario I can practice is not to react to unfavorable comments but rather to either respond in a manner that aligns with my personal values or simply walk away. One common challenging circumstance is when facing false accusations and being misunderstood.

Fueling or yielding to potential conflict is something within our control. I used to perceive it as arrogance and being judgmental when identifying people with low emotional intelligence. However, I realized that assessing people’s EQ level actually allows me to form the most appropriate connection with the individual, ultimately leading to a strong rapport.

I went through an emotional rollercoaster ride with a former acquaintance. The first round of communication concluded with…




Navigating an extraordinary life with simplicity. Seeking solace and peace through the art of writing. Embracing the ordinary in an extraordinary way.